My 7 Favorite Herbs for Blood Purifying

Cleansing the Blood is an important (and easy) step to greater health.
I consider it an important “cleanse” to take at the start of new seasons or after recovering from illness. I also do this when I feel congested or “Bogged” down in life.
I believe with the super bugs we are encountering in the world today, cleansing the blood is extra important right now. They seem to be attacking, attaching to and coagulating the blood especially.
No Fear, herbs are heroes!
While not a comprehensive list, these herbs are some of my favorites for clearing out, lightening up and recharging the whole body. They are easy to find in your health food store.
Or we offer these blended in our Trim & Tone Tea and also our Spring Tonic.:
Burdock Root is one of the best blood cleansers as well as a kidney, liver and gland cleanser. It helps to reduce swelling and deposits in the joints. It is helpful for most skin conditions and is also used for fatigue and nervous disorders.

fresh chickweed
Chickweed Herb– High in Vit. C and minerals. Helps dissolve fat in the body. Good for cleansing, boils, ulcers, tumors and swelling. Helps stop bleeding and inflammation from lungs, bowels and stomach. Helps remove mucous from respiratory.
Red Clover- Especially good to cleanse the blood and calm the nerves. Helps dissolve tumors and growths.
Pau’D Arco (Taheebo)– A detoxifier. High in iron. Good for pain connected with cancer. Good for digestive system, nervous disorders, skin, colon, kidneys, insomnia.
Dandelion Root– Acts as a tonic to the system, a blood, kidney and liver cleanser, destroys acids in the blood, good for skin, energy, digestion, low blood pressure, anemia, water retention, and much more. High in calcium and nutrients.
Nettle is a blood purifier high in vitamin C and minerals, strengthens liver and kidney function. Helpful for allergies.
Mullein – While not a blood cleanser, it helps dispel mucus in the system. It is considered the herb of choice for respiratory problems, also is a natural painkiller, helps calm spasms, and helps reduce swelling in the glandular system.