My Action List for a Strong Immune Defense
I created this fairly simple list of daily action steps for myself as a reminder of ways to stay healthy. I thought I would share it with some explanation added. It is by no means comprehensive, but it may gives some good inspiration or memory jogging to you too. Stay healthy and happy my friends.
- Start the day with thankfulness and prayer. Ask how you can show up today.
- Keep Breathing. –Take deep breathes from the belly, consciously, in and out, for 5 or more minutes. Center only on your breathing. This will help calm and focus your mind. You will be able to function better with a more oxygenated brain.And will help to still the noise and anxiety that can build up in our thinking. When you are under stress, you forget to breathe. Keep breathing.
- Keep Moving. –Action dispels fear. Not only important for strength, energy and endurance, this is important for your mental well being. Movement has also been shown as important to keep out of depression and/or addictions. Here’s a few simple action ideas if you don’t have your own going.
- Go for a walk, jog, bike ride, do sit ups, run your stairs, etc
- prepare your ground and plant a garden
- spring cleaning, window washing, clearing, vacuuming blinds etc
- paint a room or hallway
- install a pull-up bar
- Go for a walk, jog, bike ride, do sit ups, run your stairs, etc
- Take probiotics daily. If you don’t have access to any, eat yogurt or kefir. These little good bacteria are the fighters to the little bad bacteria.
- Balance pH– The way I do this is to have Lemon juice or vinegar in hot water with honey or maple syrup daily.
- Drink lots of liquids, tea is an excellent anti-oxidant and system booster.
- Herbs that cleanse the blood are great for spring tonics: Burdock root, dandelion root, red clover, chickweed, taheebo, yarrow, yellow dock, comfrey, hyssop, licorice root, yellow dock
- Herbs that expel mucus: Garlic, cayenne, fenugreek, golden seal, horseradish, mullein, marshmallow root, ginger, comfrey
- Feed and sharpen your brain on positive information, learning something every day and laughing at something every day.
- Eat Real Foods– fresh fruits and vegetables, foods that have energy and life in them.
- Help Others– share generously with love.
- Be Creative -It makes you feel alive and energized.