7 Herbs That Can Help You Get Ready For Spring
I am reposting this blog from last April with some updates. Still true and more relevant than ever.
In the winter we can build up and store congestion, mucous and toxins in our bodies.
Spring cleaning the inside of our bodies can be just as refreshing, lightening and energizing as the spring cleaning we do in our homes. After all, how often do you wash your hands or take a shower to clean the outside of our bodies?
Here’s 7 herbs that can help lighten up and renew your whole body from the inside out.
Good anytime of year. Lovely in the springtime.
Take them individually, make your own herbal tonic or enjoy our Spring Tonic bottled and ready for you. Enjoy!

fresh clover tops
Red clover is high in minerals and is an excellent blood purifier.
Dandelion Root is a whole system tonic. It destroys acids in the blood as well as purifies and builds. It is high in minerals, calcium, magnesium, vitamin K, and Vitamin C. Also cleanses the liver and is a gentle diuretic.
Ginger has been used for digestive disorders, motion sickness, fever and coughing and helps lower cholesterol.

Chickweed is high in vitamin C and helps dissolve fat and mucous in the body. Good for skin problems.
Fennel is good for digestion, nervous disorders, energy, endurance, helps dispel sinus congestion and much more.
Sarsaparilla is a blood purifier that can help balance hormones. It is good for longevity and aging. It was used by native Americans for thinning the blood in preparation for the rising heat of summer.
Yellow dock is a blood purifier and body cleanser. It acts as a natural Iron and energizer in the system. It is good for liver and skin problems, inflammation, swollen glands, tumors, ulcers.
All of these herbs are carefully extracted and combined together in our Spring Tonic Blend.