5 Ways to Speed Sports Recovery

nature works
Whether you are training for an event, just exercising, or doing school sports, when you work your body hard, recovery is needed.
Here are some easy, proven ways to help speed your rebound time and get you back on your feet faster.
- Replace fluids: Drinking water after exercising is important for recovery but even better is adding Vitamin C into that water. Vitamin C helps repair tissues and replenish your cells.
- You can do this with lemon, lime or orange squeezed in water or use an electrolyte recovery drink like Emergen-C.
- Drinking green tea also helps, being high in anti-oxidants, inflammation reducing properties and tannins which help healing
- Compression Clothing: Lycra is your friend. It doesn’t have to be special or expensive, leggings or under-armor clothing will work to support recovering muscles and joints.
- Shower stretching: Or a bath, even better; with Epsom salts or dry mustard added to the water to pull toxins and lactic acid build up out of your muscles. Gently stretch sore muscles under water. Rotating from hot to cold water speeds recovery even faster.
- Inflammation reducers: Arnica Spray helps reduce swelling and speed healing.
- T’s Tonics Arnica Spray has peppermint oil added which also helps relieve pain and re-energizes muscles!
- Taking ginger and turmeric internally or on food can help reduce inflammation also.
- Eat Protein: Before exercising and after, it is important to eat the right foods. Protein helps to build muscle and endurance and is important for sustainable energy.
You will be back on your feet in no time with a little rest, recovery and following these tips.
“In times of Stress, be Bold and Valiant!” -Wallace