Don’t Worry- Just Get Even with Laughter
Us mothers all have advise and wisdom for you. And there are some good gems in it too, believe (only) me!
We want what’s best for you, of course.
We all have the perfect way that worked for us in everything from getting kids to sleep, to eating, to potty training and on and on. And it’s good to listen to and learn from whatever advise. Mom (and Dad) hacks are great.
Take it and then use your intuition and observation skills to judge what works best for you.
And then don’t worry.
I needed that advise the most when I was having young kids.
It’s natural to second guess yourself on many things. To not be sure if you are doing enough, or doing too much. The mental gymnastics can be big. At least they were for me. Along with guilt trips and being hard on my self for any little thing throughout the day.
Just know you get a reset the following day.
So don’t worry.
And the child that seems slow at something will catch up. Don’t worry. And the child that is fast will find other things to be slow at.
And your spouse will do things different than you and have a different relationship with your child. That’s good even though it will drive you crazy at times.
And whatever seems like a problem right now will not be important next week or next month. (If it’s still a problem, you will get more opportunities to work on correcting it.)
So be gentle with yourself on the learning curve you are on right now. It’s steep as a new parent.
You are made for this!
And the dishes can wait. Sometimes there are more important things to do. Don’t worry.
So laugh at yourself and laugh at the mess and laugh at the day and laugh with the little ones.
What an adventure life is! …Without the worry.
Take a deep breathe and fix yourself another cup of tea. My mama said everything is better with a cup of tea. Mama’s Tea

Mama’s Tea