Autism, Auto-Immune and Heavy Metals. Is there a Link?
Out of the 50 kids in our local (Redmond) kindergarten class this last school year (2022-23), 12 had learning challenges and were on Individual Education Plans. Autism was the biggest reason. That is 24% of the kindergarten class!
I did not know of any autistic kids while growing up so I have been asking my peers if they remember any. Nobody does.
I did have a friend, Suzie, who’s son, Victor, was the same age as my kids and was severely autistic. She said he was fine until right after his 18 month old vaccine shots. Then he changed.
This is a fairly new epidemic. Notice that it is on the same timeline as the rise in auto-immune disorders in our country.
What do auto immune diseases and autism have in common besides their rise in numbers?
Maybe it’s heavy metals.
There are now many studies out there that show that large amounts of heavy metals are found in both autism and auto-immune diseases.
Where are these coming from? One of the places is vaccines.
What do most of the childhood vaccines have in them? Aluminum, mercury, and formaldehyde among other things.
They say they are not at harmful levels. Yet, even small amounts of mercury effect the health of our cells.
They also don’t report on the 100’s of babies harmed every year.
And after a regiment of 72 vaccines by the time kids are teenagers, might metals not be adding up in the body? Yes, over 200 cc of aluminum!
Especially if they can’t be easily eliminated and there is already a load passed on by Mom?
It turns out that mothers pass heavy metals on to their children in childbirth. The heavy metals have been building in people for a few generations now and are at a toxic level in some people.
Seems that all of us could use a cleanse from heavy metals.
Here are some herbs that can help extract metals from the body:
Sheep Sorrel
Cat’s Claw
Red Clover
Resources to start investigating childhood vaccines for yourself and your kids: Dr Paul Thomas -He found unvaccinated kids in his practice were healthier than the vaccinated kids.
Children’s Health Defense
Turtles All The Way Down- Mary Holland, J.D.
The Real Doctor Fauci- Robert F Kennedy Jr
Inoculated- How Science Lost It’s Soul in Autism- Kent Heckenlively, J.D.
Dispatches From The Vaccine Wars- Christopher Shaw