Herbs for High Blood Pressure Help
There has been a lot of concerns about high blood pressure lately. Let’s look at this. If you are concerned about high blood pressure there are some fairly easy, natural ways to help. These may be better options than medications or a daily aspirin.
High blood pressure and hypertension are almost always improved by movement and exercise. Deep breaths and good oxygen outdoors does wonders.
Walk barefoot each morning on grass or dirt for immediate natural calming.
There are also foods and herbs close at hand to help.
Foods and herbs from your kitchen:
Garlic, chives and leeks, oh my! All of these help lower high blood pressure.
Sweet marjoram– both the essential oil and the herb
Lavender and lemon balm– make these into a lovely de-stressing tea!
Borage and Evening Primrose oils can be obtained together and both contain high GLA (Gamma Linolenic Acid), essential omega-6 fatty acids which can lower high blood pressure as well as help regulate biological functions and give immune and inflammation support.
Cayenne may possibly be your first choice. It is a powerful blood regulator and circulation increaser!
Cinnamon and/or Nutmeg. Both help regulate the blood.
Red Raspberries and raspberry leaves. Yum!
Other herbs:

Dandelion, Linden, Bilberry, Hawthorne, Cat’s Claw, Valerian, Motherwort and American Gingeng are all good blood pressure helpers and harder hitters than the kitchen ones above.
Reishi and Turkey Tail Mushrooms are blood pressure regulators.
Magnesium – this mineral is a natural calmer and sleep aid and is good for lowering the blood pressure. It is available in capsule or powder form.
Epsom Salts is one form of magnesium that absorbs well into the skin. Taking a hot bath with a cup or more of epsom salt dissolved into it is a relaxing way to push magnesium into your cells and pull toxins out.
As you can see, there are a lot of helpers for high blood pressure and keeping your heart healthy!
It’s really empowering to take control of your health and your heart. I am thankful God has given us what we need here on Earth to do so naturally. Give some of these a try today. Of course, use wisely, cautiously and with discernment.
Here at T’s Tonics we also make a Heart Tonic that combines our farm harvested Hawthorne Berries with Ginkgo, Motherwort, Linden and more for your heart and blood pressure. This is what we take and enjoy when needed.
We are not doctors. The above list is informational use only. We do not diagnose, prescribe or treat any disease. Your health is in your own hands.