Herbs for Your Brain and Memory
These herbs are all shown to be for improving clarity and memory. Together they are even more powerful. Here are some quick descriptions of some of their benefits. Try them alone or together.
Not to be used if Pregnant or Lactating.

apple mint
Peppermint leaf is a powerful anti-oxidant and gives support to the heart, digestive and nervous systems. It is also good for strengthening the immune system and is good for the skin. Stimulating to the brain yet calming to the emotions enables this herb to help with concentration and focus.
A little story on Peppermint Oil: A few years back, my friend, Audra’s, son got a bad head concussion. After it happened, she kept catching him sneaking into her bedroom and using the peppermint oil she kept there. She later learned that peppermint oil can be helpful in promoting the healing of brain traumas.
2. Ginkgo leaf – antioxidant, stimulates circulatory system, reduces inflammation, improves memory and brain function, anti-aging benefits. High in iron, calcium and vitamin C.
3. Sage leaf– antibiotic, antioxidant, immune building, helps memory retention and concentration, drying to mucus membranes, dries milk in nursing moms, helps balance hormones for menopause, decreases inflammation, good for skin and bones, eczema, acne.
4. Rosemary leaf– sister herb to sage with similar benefits: helpful to digestion, brain stimulation, immune system, and healthy hair growth. Together, they are shown to equal the benefits of some Alzheimer medications.
5. Gota kola– Known as the herb of “enlightenment”, gota kola has many benefits including increased cognitive abilities, circulation, oxygenation, treats gastric ulcers, helps regulate blood pressure, decrease anxiety, stress, and mental fatigue, increases libido, a mild diuretic, it can help pass toxins out of the body, helps wrinkles and aging of the skin.
Try these herbs alone or together. They can be used in recipes, teas and tonics. T’s Tonics version is available Here.