7 Herbs For Cancer Prevention
I love that our body is designed to heal and renew itself. You’ve all heard that. And it does a good job of it most of the time, if it is able. But sometimes it needs extra help. What are some herbs that can help us fight cancer?
This is a list I have collected as people have asked for ideas on herbal cleansers and help with supporting their bodies in cancer prevention. I am not an expert on this. I am just interested in health.
I hope this list may be beneficial to you too.
Chaparral– A blood cleanser, strengthens the kidneys and glandular system, good for skin problems, arthritis, allergies. Red Clover and Chaparral combined together help break down growths and tumors in the body.

Red Clover- See above. Especially good to cleanse the blood and calm the nerves. Helps dissolve cancer tumors and growths.
Pau’D Arco (Taheebo)– A detoxifier. High in iron. Good for pain connected with cancer. Good for digestive system, nervous disorders, skin, colon, kidneys, insomnia.
Dandelion Root– Acts as a tonic to the system, a blood, kidney and liver cleanser, destroys acids in the blood, good for skin, energy, digestion, low blood pressure, anemia, water retention, and much more. High in calcium and nutrients.

Yellow Dock – A blood purifier, body and liver cleanser. Acts as a natural iron in the system, natural energizer, good for skin diabetes, inflammation and tumors.
Chickweed Herb– High in Vit. C and minerals. Helps dissolve fat in the body. Good for cleansing, boils, ulcers, tumors and swelling. Helps stop bleeding and inflammation from lungs, bowels and stomach. Helps remove mucous from respiratory.
A note: These herbs can be found in our Spring Tonic and our Trim and Tone Tea
More glandular (breast or prostate) cancer specific herbs:
Saw Palmetto, Juniper berries, Ginseng, Uva Ursi, Cayenne, Goldenseal, Indian Gooseberry, Moringa
Green Tea – full of tannins known to fight cancer, high in antioxidants and minerals, helps heart, immune system, blood pressure, weight loss, blood sugar and more. Mild diuretic.
Vitamin C (Ester C is best), Magnesium, Vitamin B12, Epsom Salt baths
Essential Oils:
Frankincense, Myrtle, all citrus oils, Sandalwood, Ledum, Lavender, Clove
Parsley, Garlic, kelps, green tea, sprouts, flax seeds and fruits all help prevent and fight both cancer and glandular problems.
A good resource and help on healing foods is Gail Klusterman at Next Ingredient. She has a podcast, blog, and site at https://nextingredientconsulting.com/
Doctors have recently discovered that broccoli sprouts not only help prevent cancer but will send it into remission. *Dr. Richard Brouse. His wife, Jennie Brouse, has a very good cookbook out on eating for health. https://sunnysidehealthcenter.com/wholesomefreshdelicious/
Books: Feelings Buried Alive Never Die…, by Truman; Cancer: Step Outside the Box, by Bollinger; Herbal Antibiotics, by Buhner; The Herbal Drugstore, by White & Foster; Switch On Your Brain, by Dr. Caroline Leaf. Nourishing Traditions.
This is not a comprehensive list of course.
I love that God has put herbs and foods in nature that can help support our health, boost our energy reserves and heal us. And that, ultimately, with His help, we are responsible for our own health and daily choices. We wish you the very best help and support in your journey of healthy living.
*For educational purposes only. Not to substitute a doctor’s care. Research and References from Herbally Yours, by Penny C. Royal, Dr. Richard Brouse, the Bulk Herb Store, Essential Oil Desk Reference,