Affirmations for Health

food for thought
Do you use affirmations to help you reach goals in your life? What about to change your health?
According to Louise Hay, “Both the good in our lives and the dis-ease are the results of mental thought patterns that form our experiences.”
She asserts that changing our thoughts, with the help of repeated mantras, or affirmations, can help to radically change any health condition.
I have written down a few of her affirmations for common health problems:
“I lovingly release the past. They are free and I am free. All is well in my heart now.”
Varicose Veins
“I stand in truth and move in joy. I love life and circulate freely.”
“I lovingly release the day and slip into peaceful sleep, knowing tomorrow will take care of itself.”
“I am love. I now choose to love and approve of myself. I see others with love.”
“I am filled with joy. It flows from me with every beat of my heart.”
“I love and approve of myself and I trust the process of life. I am safe.”
What affirmations do you need in your life?
Louise Hay Affirmations has hundreds of affirmations to help. I got these out of her book, Heal Your Body. Enjoy!