Smoothies for Spring
Spring is a time of renewal. But allergies can take some of the joy out of it.
Here is a yummy, easy smoothie recipe to help give you some extra defense against allergies:
Spring Smoothie Recipe

a little maca powder on top
3-4 Fresh pineapple slices (Bromelain, vit. C)
inch piece ginger root or tsp dried ginger (Bromelain),
1/2 c plain yogurt (Bromelain and probiotics)
handful of Kale or spinach (Bromelain and quercetin)
I usually grab some Dandelion leaves and or chickweed leaves to throw in (blood and allergy cleansers).

fresh chickweed
1/2 orange or lemon (vit C, pH balance) if organic, put a piece of peel in too for extra nutrients
1 tsp- 1 Tbsp to taste raw local honey (local allergens)
1 banana (potassium)
1 handful parsley and/or cilantro (blood cleansers)
Optionals: 1/2 seeds or nuts, like walnuts, pumpkin seeds, or nut butters; frozen blueberries; lime juice; celery; cranberries; grapefruit
Blend up in the blender and enjoy!
We do a variation of this smoothie recipe nearly every morning. It is a great way to start the day!
Another spring food that can help fight allergies because it is high in quercetin is aspargus.
Rhubarb is also a good defense food in springtime. (calcium)
Basically a rule of thumb is eat what is in season to help with seasonal challenges.
Here is a great reference:
We wish you the very best spring ever! Here’s to getting outside more!