Weight Loss the Easier Way
The best way, in my opinion, to lose weight is to get excited about something! Anything. Refocus your energy onto something greater than yourself, your problems, your weight, your next meal.
Find a new hobby or passion and immerse yourself.
It gives you excitement and focus, decreases boredom and can help make healthier habits happen. Let me explain:
When I was a behavior counselor for Nutri-System, a weight loss program franchise, 30 years ago, I noticed this pattern. We would discuss habits, and triggers, and share our struggles. A lot of talk and thought focused on food, types of foods, portion sizes, times and styles, etc. I struggled with my own weight in that job because I was thinking and talking about food so much!
The times extra weight slid off easily is when I wasn’t focused on it. I was focused on something beyond myself.
For me, I can pile on weight when I am unhappy. When I lived in the Willamette Valley area of Oregon for a year I gained an extra 30 pounds. Which is a lot on a 5’2″ frame. I was unhappy in my situation, had no activity outlet, was in a very gray and rainy area, and feeling a little unloved and lost in life.
The minute I decided to move and go to the college I wanted to, I got excited about life again. I had direction and purpose and the pounds started pouring off.
Do you have something you are excited about in life?
My daughter, Arianna, is another example. A few years back, she was in a job that was unhealthy for her and had gained some weight. As soon as she met her future husband, the weight came pouring off. Her whole body changed before our eyes! The combination of nerves and feeling loved were transformative, literally.
What ever we focus on grows! What do you want to grow in your life?
I believe another big factor in eating extra is boredom.
That’s why moving forward in life and being excited about something works!
It truly comes down to habits.
One habit change that My husband and I did a few years ago that has really helped us is to have a smoothie in the morning rather than the bagel that was our yesteryear breakfast.
I pack our smoothies with lots of super greens and goodness that helps give us a good start on the day and helps keep our gut biome healthy and regular. I know that some people swear by having protein in the morning. That may work well for them. I’m not quite ready for a big meal

Morning Cranberry Smoothies coming right up!
first thing in the morning. This works for us and makes us feel good.
Do what works for you. Our recipe is below, tweak at will:
Breakfast Smoothie:
(Per serving)
1 ripe banana
1/4 c. Frozen blueberries (organic) or cranberries
1/4 c. Fresh greens (I go out and pick mint, herbs and/or greens from the garden. Kale, parsley, cilantro, etc. will do as well)
Heaping Tbsp. Plain yogurt
2-3 pieces pineapple, orange or lemon
1 Tbsp. Supergreen mix (recipe below) or protein powder or almond butter
1/2 c water
Supergreen Powder Mix
Change up according to what’s on hand:
Moringa powder
Red beet powder
Kelp or Atlantic dulce
Chaga mushroom powder
Reishi mushroom powder
Lemon peel powder
Ginger root powder
Dash cayenne and black pepper
Ground sesame and flaxseed
Maca root powder
Once in a while options: ashwagandha powder, saw palmetto, tea, etc.
Our Trim & Tone Tea is also a great jump start to help take off pounds, increase digestion, cleanse out mucus and crud. Try some today.
And let your passion and excitement for life be big!